How to Tile a Bathroom Floor

By replacing old, musty tiles with a set of new, vibrant ones, you can really transform the look of your bathroom. Here, we’re going to outline how you can do this in a number of clear steps that are easy to understand and to the point.

Set Out Your Tiles

Take your first tile and place it in exactly the centre of the bathroom floor. You can do this by using a tape measure on each wall to find their midpoint. Once you have done this on all four walls, draw lines across the floor of the bathroom in pencil. When all four lines cross over, you will have found your midpoint. Now, begin by placing your first tiles along these lines, and continue this by going from the inside of the room and expand outwards, but remember that this is only a rough layout; you are not sticking any tiles to the bathroom floor just yet. Once you are finished, draw a mark on the floor to indicate where your central tile will be placed.

Applying the Adhesive

Now it is time to stick the tiles to the floor with adhesive. After carefully reading any specific instructions or notes on your packet of adhesive glue, you can begin to apply it to the floor of the bathroom with a notched spreader. It is important to remember whilst doing this that you should apply the tiles as you go, rather than putting adhesive onto the entirety of the floor and then applying your tiles. This is because most of the adhesive will have dried out by the time you are ready to stick your tiles down.

Laying the Tiles

To effectively stick your tile to the floor, you should apply it to an area covered in adhesive in a twisting motion, which will ensure that the whole of the tile is stick, rather than just the centre. Remember to place spacers between the tiles as you go, as you’ll want to leave enough room in between them to apply the grout later.


Once you have stuck all of your tiles to the bathroom floor, leave them to set for approximately 24 hours. When you return, remove all of the spacers from in between the tiles. Now apply the grout in between each of these spaces evenly and press it down so that it becomes solid and water resistant. Leave the grout to dry for another 24 hours and return to find your brand spanking new bathroom floor ready to use!

Now you’re finished tiling your brand new floor, why not add some finishing touches to help you admire your handy work. A rug or a runner would look perfect on top of your new tiles, and will protect your floor from any future stains. We like this range of rugs from Brand Interiors, they’ll be sure to add a pop of colour to your brand new bathroom floor.